8kg condenser tumble dryer - B energy rating

8kg condenser tumble dryer - B energy rating

  • FDCB284B
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  • Clothes dryer with large capacity for all the family
  • Flexible end-times to suit your lifestyle
  • 6 temperature settings ensure the right level of care to all your fabrics

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8kg condenser tumble dryer - B energy rating
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8 kg capacity

8 kg capacity

The large drum provides enough space to thoroughly dry bulky items and family-sized loads.



When life gets busy, you can't afford to wait around for your washing to finish. Our Delay-End funcationality lets you set the washing machine to finish your wash automatically at a later time, so you can get on with your life while your washing gets done.

Variable temperatures

Variable temperatures

Cottons, delicates, white, or colours, the UltimateCare washer gives you the flexibility to adapt the cycle temperature depending on the fabric type. Select from 6 temperature settings to ensure that all your fabrics are washed with the right level of care.


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